Wednesday, 7 March 2012

My Research

In order to be able to create my paper I had to research into other products that were similar to what I intended mine to be like.
I researched into a variety of newspapers so that I would have a clear idea of what I needed to include in order to make my newpaper authentic to the brief that I had been set.

I researched into the local papers in Portishead, such as 'The Guardian', and 'The Mercury' which are free local papers that are delivered to around Portishead. I also then looked into the locals papers in the area that are paid for and focussed on the 'Evening Post' as my main style model.

I researched into these vairieties of papers so that I was able to get a sense of what type of stories I should include in my paper, the content and the layout of the texts so that I would be able to produce an authentic front, and second page of a paper.

I chose to use the 'Evening Post' as my the main model to base my paper on as I felt it would be best suited to the brief of the project as it is a local paper based in the area, I also felt that as the paper is one that it paid for and brought in the shops (costing that it would have a different audience that I wanted to focus on and address in my stories and would therefore be more suitable to the local people of the area with keen interests in their town.

I also found through conducting a questionnaire on people in my year (age 17-18, and asking 30 people) that none of them brought a local paper themselves, if they were to buy a newspaper they would buy either 'The Sun' or other national papers not local papers. However some did say that they read the local papers that are delivered to their homes for free or that are brought buy their parents, although they are not primarily their choice to read.
Through asking this age group about local newspapers I was able to adress my target audience as from my results it was clear the age range and group of people I focus my paper on reaching is higher.
I chose to aim my product at people from 27 upwards as I felt that this would allow me to address a wide audience all of which will have a greater concern and interest in their local town and area.

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